
2009 Trailer for 'Akin to Pity'

What is Caliban's End?


Caliban's End is a trilogy written by Australian author, Paul Francis Stewart (i.e. me). It is a fantasy tale - of a sort.  For more details, have a look at the Overview.  The story comes together in three books: What Lies Beneath (available at Lulu.com and Amazon.com), Into the Endless (available at Lulu.com) and Akin to Pity (available at Lulu.com).


The books are also available digitally through iTunes.


I've never heard of Paul Stewart. Who are you?


These are my my first novels, so that might explain why you've never heard of me.  Give it time.  If you want to read more about me, check out my bio


So what is this website?


This website is a wiki, provided by pbworks.  It contains both novels (complete and unabridged), as well as glossaries, appendices, pictures, maps and anything else I could pack in.


Do you have a blog? Don't most writers have a blog?


I can't speak for most writers as I don't really move in literary circles, but I do have a blog that chronicles what I have been doing over the past year. It focuses upon lots of things related to the act of writing a book. You can find it @: www.calibansend.blogspot.com


Who made the website?


That would be me, Paul. I hope you like what you see.


Can I purchase the story?


Yes... all three books are available to buy in paperback form.


How much do the books cost?


What Lies Beneath is $(US)14.90 for the paperback (478 pages)  Australian Shipping & Handling for one copy is about $8.00.  It's not much more for multiple copies.  The PDF download is free.  You can download it here.  


Into the Endless is $(US)11.95 for the paperback (340 pages).  Australian Shipping & Handling for one copy is about $8.00.  It's not much more for multiple copies.  The PDF is free.  You can download it here.  


Akin to Pity is $(US)11.95 for the paperback (356 pages).  Australian Shipping & Handling for one copy is about $8.00.  It's not much more for multiple copies.  The PDF is free.  You can download it here


You can also download the books from the Fantasy section in Online Novels, a superb collection of free novels available on the Internet.